Osteolink: Connecting Patients to Improve Health Outcomes

OsteoLink is a direct response to unmet needs in osteoporosis communications. In 2009, the International Osteoporosis Foundation commissioned a survey of over 1,600 people with osteoporosis and health professionals in 12 countries in Europe and Australia that found significant gaps in communication and understanding about living with osteoporosis.

An increasing number of people are seeking health information online and ‘Silver surfers’ are on the rise — in Europe people aged over 55 are the fastest growing group of internet users. Health-care social networking is beginning to harness the power of the internet to bring networks of people together to improve personal management of health conditions and create widespread advocacy.

OsteoLink provides a platform for conversations and aims to improve communication between people who live with osteoporosis and their health-care providers, in the hope that this leads to better disease management. It gives patients from around the world, their friends and families the opportunity to pose questions to those going through a similar situation and address any concerns directly. Through the exchange of knowledge and providing support for one another the ambition is to help improve health outcomes. Osteolink is a growing online community with 1’100 members to date, and is accessible in English, German, Greek and Swedish.

By connecting and exchanging experiences with other osteoporosis patients and interacting with health-care professionals about daily troubles, Osteolink strives to bring comfort and reassurance to people. It’s ultimate goal being to improve the bone, muscle and joint health of our communities.

Some recently discussed topics were osteoporosis treatment, exercise, bone-healthy diets, useful tips and recipes. Questions addressed included: “I just tried this recipe this weekend which was fantastically delicious but also is a good source of calcium”; “Does anyone who is in the 30’s have Osteoporosis? What treatment has been given you?”.

Join the conversation: http://osteolink.org/